Industry Insights July 2024: Can Labour's Green Prosperity Plan Revolutionise Home Heating in the UK?

Industry Insights July 2024: Can Labour's Green Prosperity Plan Revolutionise Home Heating in the UK?

July has been a transformative month for the heating industry, marked by significant political shifts and exciting developments in green energy. From the Labour Party’s recent election victory to record-breaking interest in sustainable heating solutions, we cover the key updates you need to know in this month’s industry insights. 

Labour Party’s Election Victory and Green Heating Initiatives

The Labour Party’s recent election victory heralds a promising era for green energy and heating in the UK. With a strong commitment to achieving net-zero emissions, Labour’s manifesto outlines ambitious plans to make Britain a Clean Energy Superpower. Their manifesto includes ambitious plans to achieve net-zero emissions, such as launching Great British Energy, investing in energy efficiency, implementing stricter building regulations, promoting renewable energy, and creating more jobs in the energy sector. This push towards sustainability aims to improve energy efficiency across the UK, benefiting us all. To read more on this, check out our blog here

Great British Energy Launched

Following their ambitious plans, Labour has already launched ‘Great British Energy.’ This new, publicly-owned energy company aims to speed up the transition to renewable energy sources. It’s a fantastic development that promises to bring innovation and investment in green technologies. This initiative will enhance energy security, reduce reliance on imported fuels, and reinvest profits into the UK economy. Lower energy costs and job creation in the green energy sector are just around the corner, making electric heating solutions more eco-friendly and cost-effective.

So How Does This Impact the UK’s Net Zero Targets?

While the Labour party’s changes do look promising, reports from the Climate Change Committee indicate that the UK is still off track to meet its 2030 net-zero targets. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Slow Adoption of Renewable Technologies: Despite increased interest and investment, the adoption rate of renewable technologies like heat pumps and electric heating systems needs to accelerate. More incentives and support are needed to make this happen faster.

  • Insufficient Policy Measures: Current policies and regulations aren’t quite enough to drive the necessary changes across all sectors. Labour’s new measures will need to be implemented strongly and perhaps expanded to meet the goals.

  • Public Awareness and Engagement: There’s growing interest in green technologies, but we still need more public awareness and engagement. Comprehensive education and outreach programs are essential to encourage more homeowners to adopt sustainable heating solutions.

  • Infrastructure Challenges: Our existing energy infrastructure needs significant upgrades to handle the increased load from renewable energy sources and electric heating systems. Investments in smart grids and energy storage solutions are crucial.

Rising Interest in Heat Pump Installations

There’s good news on the consumer front in England. Applications for the Boiler Upgrade Scheme have soared by 73% year-on-year, according to Installer Online. This significant rise shows a growing interest in greener heating solutions. This surge indicates that more homeowners are looking to adopt sustainable and efficient heating systems, reflecting a broader shift towards green energy.

However, Scotland faces some challenges with its heat pump installation scheme. The program hasn’t been as effective in helping people switch to green energy. The Scottish government is currently looking into consumer protections in the green home heating market to ensure fair and effective practices. This investigation aims to address the issues and provide better support for those looking to transition to more sustainable heating solutions.

Record-Breaking Year for Heat Pump Installations

Even with some regional challenges, 2024 is set to be a record-breaking year for heat pump installations across the UK. This surge reflects a broader shift in consumer attitudes and strong policy support towards sustainable heating solutions. It’s a clear sign that more people are recognising the benefits of going green, both for the environment and for their own energy bills.While the interest in heat pumps is encouraging, we also hope to see a growing interest and government support for other green heating solutions which can be a perfect fit for many homes where heat pumps may not be suitable.


The heating industry is undergoing significant changes, with political and consumer-driven shifts pushing it towards a greener future. The Labour Party’s initiatives, along with rising consumer interest in renewable heating solutions, promise to transform the UK’s journey to net zero. At Trust Electric Heating, we’re excited to be part of this change. 

Tags: Industry insights.

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